5th field of action - ESG

ESG stands for “Environmental, Social and Governance” and refers to the criteria by which companies evaluate their sustainability performance. ESG criteria are increasingly being taken into account by investors, regulators and society as a whole. Companies must therefore also align their corporate strategy with ESG factors. With the holistic integration of ESG, long-term values are created for stakeholders and risks are minimized.

Our services:

  • Support in ESG strategy development
  • Establishing ESG risk management
  • Development of ESG reporting and communication
  • ESG integration in corporate governance
  • Arrangement of external certification partners
  • Further company-specific and individual evaluations and recommendations for action depending on need and urgency

Your contact person:

Jörg Bakschas

Telephone: 49 160 975 633 93

Email: j.bakschas@alico-consulting.com

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